February 10, 2025


Metalphetamine.com – Hard metal mag!

Top 5 of underrated classic Death metal Albums

2 min read
Top 5 underrated death metal deisharmonic orchestra - expositionsprophylaxe

Top 5 underrated death metal deisharmonic orchestra - expositionsprophylaxe

After Thrash, follows Death! Here is my very personal Top 5 list of classic underrated or “not so well known” Death metal Albums beyond Cannibal corpse, Death, Deicide, Morbid Angel,…. . Also check out my Top 5 of undiscovered classic Thrash Albums!

5. Massacra – Enjoy the violence

Not to be confused with the legendary german death metal band Massacra, this french band shined with their 1991 release “Enjoy the violence” and lead to some intense discussion with my teachers as they discovered the CD on my desk 🙂

4. Demilich -Nespithe

A bit later in 1993 Demilich came out with this beautiful smooth classic Death metal Album. The vocals are especially interesting. At this time, just like in thrash, every band had still to figure out their own style and technical way of singing.

3. Disharmonic Orchestra – Expositionsprophylaxe

A masterpiece from Austria! Very unusual guitar tunes and a very unique style is to be found on this early death metal album which came out before the style was really settled. At times, the vibe makes one think about Bolt Throwers legendary “Realm of Chaos”.

2. Pungent Stench – For God your soul…for me your Flesh

Also from Austria comes this very unique project. Having had the honor of meeting the very relaxed members of the band in the 90s this Album will always remain in my playlist. It reassembles the so very special tune of early austrian Death metal.

  1. Pestilence – Consuming Impulse

This legendary but oftenly overseen Album was what brought me finally into Death Metal. Martin van Drunen, who later switched to Asphyx, was still the vocalist of Pestilence and his unbelievable unqiue voice was what made songs like “Trauma” so intense alongisde with the very unique riffs and solos found on this Album.

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