0N0 – Interview – Doom Death in perfection
4 min read
0n0 band interview
Since there are so many great undiscovered Bands around it is today my personal pleasure to publish here a interview with the slovakian experimental doom death Band 0N0. They are just about to publish a new Album. Check out the Ttanscending Obsurity label Samler with a preview song here!
1. Tell us a bit about the bands history and evolution, there is very little information available about you guys! How did you meet and start out? Who are the band members?
A: 0N0 started in mid 00s as an obscure one-man studio project of T (guitar, programming, vocal). We had known each other for a while, mostly partying and playing in a short lived grunge outfit. Rumour has it that in December 2008, upon hearing his original version of what would much later become ‘Chambers of Oblivion’ on our split tape with OWL, I drunkenly offered myself as a 2nd guitar player, if he ever felt like doing a live band. Fastforward to the beginning of 2013, we started rehearsing the material that would end up on ‘Reconstruction and Synthesis’ album together and S joined us soon after on lead vocals to complete the line up.
We started as an embodiment of a very singular vision but have since been slowly evolving to a more of a collaborative effort with each recording.
2. How is your songwriting process, what inspires you?
T: Not quite sure how to describe the songwriting process, all I can say is that I usually prefer solitude and I just need a solid amount of time to twist and mould the material.
I’m inspired by lots of genres, mostly extreme metal and alternative forms of rock, underground electronic music, but also other types of music such as movie soundtracks and experimental music. Therefore, our music may be described as an amalgam of all sorts of musical forms. I naturally lean towards expressive and atmospheric forms of music, music you may become lost in.
Of course I’m also inspired by other art forms, most notably visual art, movies and literature.
A: Most of my own inspiration comes from literature, other music, art in general and subjective experience, although the personal stuff tends to manifest indirectly.
3. Where does the bands name come from?
A: Phonetically, it is a Slovak 3rd person neuter pronoun (‘it’ in English). There are also different symbolic meanings behind it, some of them hinted on by the changes of characters. I will only say that it combines rather contradictive stances in a mutually annihilating fashion, extremely rational notions with some of exactly opposite nature.
4. The Titles / Lyrics are very interesting, do you start with a concept in mind and write the song or first discover the riffs and then write the lyrics?
A: Depends on the song really. For many of them, the core ideas for lyrics emerge almost together with the scaffolding of music and they mature together. Most lyrics are written specifically tailored to an almost complete musical composition. Other times we write lyrics as a standalone piece to wait for the right moment and music to fit into.
T: Almost always, riffs and musical ideas come to me first. These abstract ideas feel more natural from my perspective. When I write lyrics I want the words and their meaning to complement the composition. However, I’d definitely like to explore a reversed apporach more thoroughly in the future as well.
5. Any plans to release new material?
A: Our next full length album is ready, it should actually be realeased later this year by Transcending Obscurity Records. You can find a song off it on the 2021 TOR label sampler – https://transcendingobscurity.bandcamp.com/album/2021-label-sampler .
Meanwhile, we’ve been working on some new songs. Bits of the upcoming album are pretty fast and relentless, my guess is we might do something more brooding again next time around.
T: For the time being, I can reveal that the album will be around 36 minutes long, it will contain four songs and it was mastered by Greg Chandler of the mighty Esoteric in his Priory Recording Studios.
6. How is the metal scene in Slovakia? And what brought you personally into metal?
A: A family member introduced me to rock music and metal very early on, in the beginning of 90s and it has been with me ever since. The scene has grown to be much more professional and ambitious during the past 20 years, resources are more widely available. To be completely honest however, I do not listen to that much metal anymore, nor am I interested in local metal scene specifically. I consider myself to be more of an underground and diy music fan in general.
T: I was introduced to rock and metal music pretty early on as well. When I come to think of it, I have most likely been listening to rock music since the prenatal development since my father has always been an avid rock fan. My older brother has been really influential too. He would introduce me to all sorts of rock and metal music when I was a kid and that was definitely formative.
As for Slovak metal scene, it’s small and interconnected since Slovakia is a small country. You can check out some of our friends’ bands like Holotropic, Beton, Cresset or Ceremony of Silence.
Thank you guys!